Five reasons to hire a part time employee
How many people do you think work part time in Australia? One million people? Two million?
Believe it or not, there are actually 4.1 million people, or a whopping 30% of the Australian workforce who work part time, meaning there are thousands of businesses reaping the benefits of having part timers on the books.
There are so many reasons why people want to work part time, whether they’re balancing school and work or they’re returning to work after having kids. By not considering them as an employee, you’re missing out on all of the good stuff that comes with them.
Not sure why you would want to hire one? Well, keep reading and find out!
There’s an expanded talent pool to pick from
By considering part timers, you’re instantly opening yourself up to so many more candidates, especially if you’re searching in a candidate tight market, much like parts of the creative market right now.
You can choose from experienced hands who may be close to retiring but just aren’t ready to completely finish up yet, parents returning to work after raising their kids and need a little extra flexibility, students who will graduate and may want to join your team full time afterwards or people who don’t want or need to work a full work week, but still want to use their brains and skills to work on some exciting stuff.
In addition to all of this, women make up 68.5% of the Australian part time workforce. You’re missing out on the talent, skill and wisdom of so many women if you don’t consider part time workers.
Just an aside – if you hire a return to work parent through us, we only charge you 50% of the placement fee – win win! Learn more here.
When you have lots of candidates to choose from (via GIPHY)
You’ll keep your costs down
If you’re tossing up whether you can afford to hire another full time worker or not, why not consider if a part timer is more affordable? Obviously, a part timer will make less of a dent in your payroll budget than a full timer, but in addition, if you use a recruiter to find one, the amount you pay will be lower than if you were hiring a full time worker.
There’s an extra set of hands when things get mega busy
When things start to get a little full on, you may need an extra set of hands to pitch in to get that project or client request over the line. Instead of hiring a contractor or a freelancer to do the work, why not get your part timer involved? They already know your business and can take some of the heavy weight off the project to help propel the team across the finish line. Plus, if it’s something that they haven’t done a lot of before, they’ll probably relish the opportunity to get stuck into something different and learn some new skills.
Get that project done! (via GIPHY)
Less time working doesn’t mean less productivity
Just because someone is at work for less time than the rest of the team doesn’t mean they’re any less productive. Because they have fewer days in the week to get their work done, part timers have to manage their time more effectively than someone who has five days to get their work done. So that’s less time scrolling Instagram and Tiktok and more time getting stuff done.
You get a talented, passionate employee
Whether your employee is working three days or five, they’ve applied to work at your business for a reason. They’re going to show up each and every day and bring their skills, talents, experience and passion to work, contributing not only to your company and team culture, but your bottom line – what’s not to like?
Keen to hire a part timer? Well, good news, we have lots of candidates who are keen to work on a part time basis! Give us a shout at today.