Five reasons to hire a part time employee
How many people do you think work part time in Australia? One million people? Two million? Believe it or not, there are actually 4.1 million people, or a whopping 30% of the Australian workforce who work part time, meaning there are
Your guide to becoming a freelancer in Australia
The life of a freelancer seems super exciting and cool - you get to work for yourself, you can pick and choose your work and you don’t have to work 9-5, in an office or even in the same city
Five tips for working remotely from the rest of your team
by Dakota Middleby In August 2022, I joined Creative Natives and I was so excited to be a part of the team. However, the catch was that I would be the only employee in Queensland and I would be 100% remote.
New starter alert! Meet Venice Dumagan
We've added another member to our Philippines team - meet Venice Dumagan! She has over six years' experience recruiting across technology, medical and software organisations in both the Philippines and the US, and brings a passion for helping people advance
Returning to work post-kids: What you need to know
Making the decision to return to work post-kids can be an overwhelming and difficult one, especially if it's been a few years since you've been in the workforce. You may not feel entirely ready, be worried about putting your kids
Packing it all up: Stories and advice for moving overseas
We’re a bunch of nomads here at Creative Natives. More than half of our team have gone off in search of adventure and lived overseas, so we’ve got a bit of experience when it comes to the whole shifting your
Five things to know about working in a start up
Working at a startup can seem like a pretty thrilling career move - getting to make your mark and help build something from the ground up, working on something that you’re truly passionate about, having opportunities to grow and move
In conversation with UnLtd CEO, Chris Freel
We wanted to do something a little different for our most recent rooftop party in Sydney. We wanted to have an awesome night AND help them community, so we decided to sell tickets and give all proceeds to a local
Six tips to manage during a talent shortage
After two years of not being able to leave the country, it's completely understandable that people have itchy feet and want to get out of dodge. If you're a team leader, you probably have noticed the uptick in annual leave
Beyond the cupcakes: What else can your company do for worker wellbeing?
Whenever there's a wellbeing day or initiative in the workplace, it's often accompanied by cupcakes (we're looking at you, yellow cupcakes for R U OK? Day). And while we LOVE baked goods here at Creative Natives, there's so much more